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American System Built Homes: An Examination of a Historical Failure

Architectural agreements, often overlooked, can provide both historical and political elements that determine the success or failure of a project. The American System-Built House's contracts and agreements between The Richards Company and their dealers provide two primary scopes that elude to the failure of the precutting system meticulously designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 

Agreement Breakdown

This visualization focuses on the breakdown of the American System Built Contracts, the breakdown of the two scales will reveal the failures of the project. 

American System-Built Contracts

The Dealer's Territory Agreement was a contract between The Richards Company and its dealers. When broken down, this contract reveals three agreement scopes; territory, building, and advertisement. 

The ASBH Building Contract was used to bind both parties on a project-to-project basis. This document identifies how to handle for-seeable issues regarding liabilities, and further outlines the duties of each party.

building contract p2.jpg
building contract.jpg
overall system final.png

This physical scope can be further studied through historical accounts, government reports, and a careful examination of the American System-Built advertisements.

Building & Location Scale

overall building.png

Financial & Advertising Scale

This scale can be examined through the careful dissection of the contracts involved with the American System-Built Houses, as they reveal various party-particular liabilities and financial obligations. 

overall liability.png

Intra-Scope Analysis & Speculation

Analysis across both scopes of research reveals weaknesses and conflicts within the American System-Built Houses. Issues regarding territory assignments, building markets, and fragile contracting result in a system with a weak spine. 

11-17-2020 spec 2 territory.png

 Architectural Agreements can determine the success or failure of the project. When broken down into basic components, Architectural Agreements may reveal the specific areas of the project failure, whether intentional or not. In order to network housing on a national or global scale, the agreements and contracts need to set up a relationship that provides each party with a beneficial business environment.


Research and Visualization by Tyson Vogt and Stuart Plimpton, under instruction of Jessica Garcia-Fritz, and Federico Garcia-Lammers - South Dakota State University - 2020

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